Friday, October 30, 2009

a website i enjoy visiting

I don`t use the internet widely, but when I use it the website that I most visit is , is the site of “El Mercurio”, which gives me access to the other paper sites too. I visit it because I like to be informed, know what is happening in Chile and in the world. It also has the weather, the horoscopes and much more. But what I most like about this website are the photos, it changes every day, so it is never the same. There are very good photos taken by different photographers, which are about things that have happened. I really like these photos because there are always incredible images; there are about 65 pictures with beautiful colors and very good prospects.
I knew this website because of my dad, like four years ago he shows it to me and I liked it because I founded all what I want to know in only one page.
That’s why this is the website I most visit, I think it is very complete.

Friday, October 16, 2009

session 2. my favourite picture

This picture was taken by Michael Nichols, a prominent photographer
from National Geographic magazine and it was taken in September 2008. I like it a lot because there is a baby male Elephant following another elephant.
this age is the only one that we can found the males together with the
herd, because when they get their sexual maturity they go away from the others and
come back only to mate. I like this photo because it shows
a very happy period from elephant's life, without preoccupations and
living with the herd, like when we are kids, we think everything is wonderful, it is like the time of our lives, being happy all day and sleeping on nights.

Another reason why I like this picture are the colors, I think they are great, I love the light from the dawn and the colors from the savanna, they are like the perfect combination.

session 1. my turnetable

i'm not techy tipe, i don't try to keep up with tecnology, i only use it when i need it.
My favorite piece of technology is the turntable, I know it is not very technological but I like to listen music on it. This turntable was from my grandfather when he was young, he wanted to throw it but I kept on it, I fixed it and now I use it. It uses putting a vinyl and after a needle on it and then it sounds. I have many vinyl music that I like, some are very old and others a little bit new and I use all of them. I listen to music on my turntable almost every day. if I wouldn’t have it I could hear music from somewhere else, my life would not change too much, but I like listening to music because it feels different to listen from iPod or computer. It is my favorite "technological" piece because it is an trajectory objet and a classic in the history of music.