Friday, October 16, 2009

session 1. my turnetable

i'm not techy tipe, i don't try to keep up with tecnology, i only use it when i need it.
My favorite piece of technology is the turntable, I know it is not very technological but I like to listen music on it. This turntable was from my grandfather when he was young, he wanted to throw it but I kept on it, I fixed it and now I use it. It uses putting a vinyl and after a needle on it and then it sounds. I have many vinyl music that I like, some are very old and others a little bit new and I use all of them. I listen to music on my turntable almost every day. if I wouldn’t have it I could hear music from somewhere else, my life would not change too much, but I like listening to music because it feels different to listen from iPod or computer. It is my favorite "technological" piece because it is an trajectory objet and a classic in the history of music.


  1. he cariwii!
    I love your turnatable!
    I will give you a vinilo for the christmas
    bye! see you at the university. I love you (L)

  2. Hi Caro!
    I like your "object Technological"
    because was your grandfather therefore is very important for you.
    see you soon!
